Thursday 16 February 2012


just got back from the otways with 3 of my besties! we had such an incredible time! This is how it went...

basically, we arrived at shona's house at 12:30pm on Monday. That was the time we were supposed to be there, but i arrived at 1pm haha. We loaded my stuff into the car because everyone else's was already in there and then after about 15 minutes of pre-roadtrip cam-whoring we set Shell Petrol station where we filled up and also pumped Shona's Honda's tyres! Sharmeen and i stayed in the car while the practical ones, Jess and Shona got onto it. :)

Then we actually set off. The roadtrip there was pretty uneventful and with the help of Shona's and Jess's intuition plus the GPS we were on our wayt. The GPS took us on this backroute where we basically saw nothing but fields of cattle for a long time, and we breathed a sigh of relief when we finally got onto the main roads. Finally we reached our little Ti Tree cottage in Forrest.

The cottage itself was really homey and picturesque. The living area and the kitchen are kind of joined together which made eating times and puzzle-doing times really fun. There was a spiral staircase leading to a one bedroom loft where Jess and I slept. And downstairs were two more bedrooms - one with a double bed where Sharmeen and Shona slept and another one with two singles (which for some reason i dubbed the 'boy's bedroom' because i thought it would have been ideal for Chris and Nick to stay there) and then next to that was the bathroom which smelled a bit and had a creepy shower curtain but was okay in general. 

When we finally got to the house, we realised we forgot some vital ingredients (the meat) for our dinner at Shona's house all the way back in Melbourne. While Shona and Jess are vegaquarians (ie. they dont eat red meat but can eat fish) and were quite happy to do without meat, Sharmeen and I, the omnivores thought it necessary to drive 30 mins to Colac to the nearest Coles.

We picked up our groceries and then did a little window shopping around Colac before all the shops closed. I saw something really cute for Nick so i bought it haha. And then we had fish and chips in this little park. After tea, we went on a major photoshooting rampage where we basically took a million photos with Sharmeen's trusty little canon and then all piled into Shona's car and headed back to our cottage.

That night, Sharmeen and Shona started this awesome 750 piece puzzle which was ridiculously hard and they continued into the night while me and Jess went to sleep in our loft.

One thing you should know about Jess is that she is massively a morning person, which not only means that she gets up early and is super chirpy and happy in the morning but also means that she needs to get things done in the morning. One thing you should know about Shona, Sharmeen and I are that we are super lazy in the morning. So we started the day really really slow and Jess was understandably quite frustrated. Eventually we all decided to go on a walk down the road. And then Shona suggested we walk through this national park. And then we kept walking until somebody suggested we walk to this river.  So we kept on walking for ages and ages and kept taking photos. At one point, we threaded some dandelions through Jess's hair and made her pose for various photos. After that, we kept walking until we finally reached the river where again, we stopped for more photos filled with pouts, duckfaces and jump shots. We chilled for a bit and then we finally decided to head back.

When we got back we were super hungry so we made some fried egg sandwiches and then just relaxed for a bit. Then, we decided to go to Apollo Bay to swim because we were really hot. We drove on winding roads through thick forest terrain listening to various hip hop and R&B tracks, occasionally paradise by coldplay and finally Hillsong while we marvelled at God's awesome creation. It was so beautiful and unless you're there, you won't really know just how beautiful.

After we swam for a bit in Apollo Bay and ate these really weird confectionary called strawberry clouds, we finally headed back to the cottage.

We prepped for dinner by making these mini pizzas on pita bread with spinach, diced ham, pizza sauce, mushrooms, tomatoes and tasty cheese. It was sooo yum and we were really full afterward.

At night, we decided to chill out a bit by watching 'the Help'. IT WAS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE. unfortunately, we did not chill out though because half of us were crying by the end. After that, we worked on the puzzle some more until we were too tired to stay awake.

We woke up, had breakfast and then headed out to Colac Station where we had to drop Jess off at Colac station to go home for an interview. :( Jess bought her ticket and then we wondered around town for a bit until it was time for Jess to go and then we headed back to the station where we waited until Jess left for Melbourne on the Vline train.
After that, Shona, Sharmeen and I headed to Red Rock scenic lookout which was basically a high peak overlooking these volcanic craters. It was breathtaking! Except that there were all these little bugs, the really gross kind where if you squish them there is orange and yellow goo oozing everywhere. Anyway we took a bunch of photos as per usual and then headed back home through Colac.
In Colac we filled up for petrol, got a couple more groceries and then we were about to head home when Shona spotted a KFC family dinner deal on the back of the Coles docket. Because Jess, our voice of reason was gone, we all decided that we would pig out on KFC for lunch, including Shona, the vegeaquarian. "But Shona, aren't you a vegetarian?" "...Yeah, but I can not be?" HAHA.
We brought the KFC back to the cottage to eat. It was so  yum, but then we felt sooooo full afterward, it almost wasn't worth it. Almost.

Because Jess, the super-active one in our group was gone, any motivation to do stuff was also gone. Shona, Sharmeen and I stayed in the cottage all arvo and night doing the 750 piece puzzle until 1am while watching Down with Love, Shrek and the Breakup until we finally finished the puzzle, and retired to sleep.

We got up at 9:15 after pressing the snooze button a million times and then started packing and cleaning the cottage ready for our checkout at 11am.
At 11am on the dot, we were out of Forrest and heading back to Melbourne. On the way home, we passed through some roadworks, and one of the construction workers after seeing our green P's sign i guess and a car full of girls was just staring and smiling at us. When we drove past, he said "hello there..." in a wierd way, and we kind of just chuckled nervously and drove through. CREEPY.
We drove to Harbour Town, Docklands where Jess was supposed to meet us. Although Jess wasn't there yet, we started shopping. I bought some sandals!! :) An hour later, we drove out to find and pick up Jess. At a random traffic light, Sharmeen suddenly spots Jess and we wind down the window to yell at her to get in the car. She sprints towards the car before the lights turn green and for some reason, Jess's presence instantly re-energises the group and we feel like shopping again. So we go back to Harbour Town and try to find some dresses for Jess' 19th. At the end of the shopping trip, Sharmeen buys shoes, I buy shoes, Shona buys cute polka dot shorts, and Jess finds two beautiful dresses.

We drive back from Melbourne to the suburbs and then they drop me home.

It was such a cool trip. I'm so blessed to have these wonderful people in my life. :)


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